Tailored Institutional Research and Analytics Solutions

Empowering Educational Institutions Through Data-Informed Insights.

Based in New York City with extensive experience across the United States and Canada, The Urmeneta Group specializes in comprehensive institutional research, effectiveness, and analytics consulting. From community colleges to major universities, we are dedicated to transforming educational landscapes through strategic, data-informed solutions.

Whether you’re an academic administrator, a department head, or a policy maker, we will not only optimize your data usage but also enhance your institution’s overall effectiveness. We bring deep expertise and a personalized approach to every project, tailoring our services to meet your specific challenges and objectives.


Data Management and Analysis

  • Providing comprehensive data management services, including data collection, cleaning, and analysis.

  • Conducting advanced statistical analyses to inform decision-making.

Accreditation and Compliance Support

  • Assisting with accreditation processes, including preparation for reviews and ongoing compliance monitoring.

  • Helping institutions navigate and fulfill state and federal reporting requirements.

  • Offering guidance on maintaining accreditation standards and best practices.

Strategic Planning Support

  • Facilitating the strategic planning process, including developing key performance indicators (KPIs).

  • Offering expert advice on aligning institutional goals with data-informed strategies.

This is an inning of good relief pitching from a fresh arm.”

– Will Bailey, The West Wing

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